“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The truth of God’s Word supplies enlightenment and faith. When human reasoning sets aside any part of God’s Word, this allows the cloud of deception, as was introduced to Eve in Eden (Genesis 3).
While many profess to stand for the Divine inspiration of all scripture, they fall for the reasons that abandon “all scripture” as being the standard for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness.
Just as all scripture is given by Divine authority, all scripture is what sets forth God’s authority on all matters for us. To agree with the inspiration of “all scripture”, without accepting “all scripture” as the authority on God’s will for our lives, is the condition of having a form of godliness, but denying the power (authority) thereof (2 Timothy 3:5). To study “all scripture” without accepting the way of “all scripture”, is the condition of ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7).
False Christianity would be exposed instantly, if the rule was applied that “all scripture” is required for true doctrine. False Christianity is able to establish itself with men, because it persuades men that not all scripture applies to us. Most take the position that truth is dispensational, i.e., that what was the truth in a former dispensation is no longer truth for our present dispensation, etc. For example, many teach that the way Jesus saved sinners, such as the thief on the cross, is different than how one becomes a Christian today. So false Christianity is built on the principle that while all scripture is given by inspiration of God, yet all scripture is not profitable for doctrine, etc.
Sad to say, many professed Baptists have fallen for the same false interpretation of the scripture. While they may not accept the false teachings on the plan of salvation that have departed from the doctrine of all scripture, they eagerly accept the departure from “all scripture” as being profitable for their doctrine on how they want to live, dress, and observe the Lord’s Day. They do so as if they have impunity (exemption) from “all scripture”, misapplying a borrowed term from the scriptures, “we’re not under the law”. They thus will no longer be reproved nor corrected unto God’s will by what “all scripture” has to say. They have limited themselves to an acceptance of only some scriptures of their choosing, while having their eyes and ears closed to what “all scripture” has to say.
Since “all scripture” must be used to establish doctrinal correctness, the departure from this principle of Divine authority is to enter the pathway of doctrinal error, that sanctions false religion. SELAH!