We Make It, We Must Bear It


We’ve all heard the above saying, and how true it is to life! As humans, we are prone to try everything else before we turn to and trust in the truth.

God’s Word is our instructions for life. It shows us where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. God’s commandments show us how to build our lives, how to live life, and how to outlive all the problems of this life by faith, unto gaining eternal rewards.

However, due to the flesh lusting against the Spirit of God, there is much living that abides not with the instructions of God’s Word. As is the case in other things, life not put together according to the instructions, develops many functional problems. As Dr. Phil says, even accidents can be attributed to factors not taken into proper consideration, which in turn, contributed to the circumstances that led up to the accident.

When the prodigal son (Luke 15) finally made his decision to cast aside the laws of his father to take his life into his own hands, at that moment he felt like the battle was over, having declared his independence from his father’s way. People may wrestle with the difference between what they want and what God’s Word says, unto finally coming out in the open with their decision to do what they want instead of the way God’s Word teaches. When they do this, they get the feeling that the battle is over, that now they can finally get on with living their life their way.

But rather than the battle be over when the prodigal son declared his position to his father, his battle had just begun! He had thrown aside the privileges, opportunities, and blessings that he could have had for living his life according to his father’s will, unto beginning to bear the burden of his life of sin.

God’s instructions do not prevent our having a good life. They rather prevent us from messing up our lives. Once we put our lives together contrary to God’s instructions, then we are left with the many and often unsolvable functional problems of life, that we will bear the burden of the rest of our lives.

Think about the importance of God’s instructions for life, before you make any decisions to put your life together contrary to His instructions.

“For every man shall bear his own burden.” Galatians 6:5

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21
