“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:4
How Satan shall succeed in accomplishing this needs serious thought! This will be done through religious agreement and counsel, as our verse says. It will be considered a major breakthrough, all relevant to up to date interpretations. To allow for all religion to meet together in worshipping one common god, Satan must first eliminate the distinctions that identify the true “One Lord, One Faith, etc.” He must succeed in making all religions generic enough to where they can blend sufficiently enough with other religions, unto making the last move unto a one world religion.
So, little by little, bit by bit, Satan has succeeded in getting people to abandon sound doctrine that identifies God’s people in peculiarity with the authority of God’s word, unto substituting positions that are generic enough to fit in with other religious trends and agendas. The religious initiatives of our day are working to tear down everything constructed according to Biblical Christianity, as if it is no longer applicable to our times, and to rebuild everything according to modern day interpretations. This reconstructionism is generic enough in principle, to allow for the continued changes necessary that will allow for all religions of men (except those abiding in the true doctrines of God’s word) to eventually come together to achieve their goal of a one world religion.
The drive is on to cast off Biblical distinctions, for the generic positions approved of by men. God’s distinctions for His people in dress and appearance are being cast off for the generic unisex look. The New Testament distinctions of Baptist baptism, with the local New Testament Church being the only authorized agent to carry out the Lord’s work, have been rejected as dogma, as men have erected their universal towers of conventionalism, associations, and other para church organizations, in which they are trusting for success.
The fundamental Bible doctrine of not changing God’s Word, but keeping it sacred, has been cast aside, with the wholesale acceptance of new versions of the Bible that are gradually eliminating Divine distinctions, and are substituting a generic lord.
The move to generic religion is on with irreversible momentum. Man is seeking that which will unite him with his fellow man rather than that which will reconcile him with God. To unite sinners in a way that is agreeable with the ways of sinners, necessarily requires a religion of sin that has departed from faith in the righteousness of God, which requires that sinners first repent of sin.