Some do not believe in the fact of Satan and sin; in the fact that all are sinners, and that sin and sinners are at enmity with God. They think that everything wrong or bad is just some form of underdevelopment or misunderstanding, that can all be overcome through some form of assistance and development. They understand not that sin will not quit until it has finished with the destruction of sinners, James 1:15.
Thus, there are those who down the accounts found in the Old Testament Bible, where God’s chosen people warred against and destroyed others. They equal this to barbarianism, that these people were not kindred with Christianity. They hold both Israel’s past and present struggles with her enemies against her.
God never used His people, individually or as a nation, to destroy innocent peoples or societies. But rather, in the course of events, as the affairs of nations go, God used Israel’s wars to overthrow the wicked. God used His individuals to overthrow that, which if left and not overthrown, would be for the ruin of souls, as they would exert their godlessness upon all whom they controlled. When God sent the flood in Noah’s day, it was to destroy societies who were fit for nothing except to raise up people in hardness against God, unto their eternal destruction in hell.
Sin will not cease to be sin if it is shown kindness. Rather, sin is at enmity with God and all that is of God. Sin will not stop until it has devoured that which is right and good. See Proverbs 4:14-16, Isaiah 26:10, 1 Peter 5:8.
Sin is the power of Satan, who is the avowed enemy of God, who will never be reformed and who is reserved by God unto eternal destruction in the lake of fire. Sin was the unrelenting enemy of Christ while He was here on Earth. Sin is opposed to everything and everyone that is right with God.
There was nothing but good and good people in the Garden of Eden. But sin did not respect this, nor would it co-exist with it. Rather, Satan and sin worked to overthrow and bring death in Eden.
The first murder committed was not due to any bad circumstances or abuse, but was due to the hatred of sin against that which was of God. In Genesis 4, Cain killed Abel because Abel’s works were righteous and Cain’s were not, 1 John 3:12. The enmity of sin respects no relationship and no union. This is why God warns His people about being unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Satan will use these relationships to defeat God’s children!
Sin is what’s responsible for all wrongs, abuses, destructions, etc., see Matthew 15:19. There is not way to change the nature or intent of sin. There is only One who can save man from perishing in sin, JESUS CHRIST! The only way to put a stop to sin is to destroy it, and that is what God alone can and will do, to Satan and his angels and all who have not been delivered from sin by the Lord Jesus Christ.