Sunday Sins

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day…” Revelation 1:10

There seem to be few and little left that are in and of the Holy Spirit on the Lord’s day. God has always had a 6 and 1 pattern for man’s week. The Old Testament Sabbath (Saturday) commemorated God’s finished work of creation–“And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” Genesis 2:3 Under the Mosaic Law (the Ten Commandments,) “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” Exodus 20:8 Sunday, The Lord’s Day, the resurrection day, commemorates the finished work of redemption, which is of greater significance, not less, than the finished work of creation. To not regard this ordination of God, is a transgression of God’s law = sin.

The Holy Spirit inspired the written Word of God in both the Old and New Testaments. Rather than re-write every principle found in the Old Testament, the New Testament (2 Timothy 3:15-17) binds both Testaments in principle and doctrine, by declaring that the text of the New Testament is found in the context of the Old Testament. 1 Corinthians 10:11 and Romans 15:4 refer to that which is written in the Old Testament as being “written for our learning” for our “ensample.” Since none of God’s Word ever passes away, but is settled forever, we know God hasn’t reversed Himself on any issue of His Holy Word.

Christ, Himself, (the author of true Christian faith and living) declared that he did not come to destroy the law or the prophets, but to fulfil–Matthew 5:17. “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:19 If the principles set forth in the Old Testament have been reversed by God, then God cannot judge anyone of the Old Testament time for having broken them, and He would be a debtor to those He punished in the past for the breaking of them.

The right-and-wrong of the Old Testament provides the context for the right-and-wrong of the New Testament. Notice a few:
(1) Not to use the Sabbath for secular work – Exodus 20:9-11
(2) Not to buy and sell on the Sabbath day – Nehemiah 13:15-22 – called the profaning of the sabbath
(3) Not to be used as a day for secular pleasure, but a day to be dedicated unto the worship and honor of God – Isaiah 58:13-14


While there have always been many professors, there have been but few believers of God’s Word. Exodus 31:13-17 declares that those who keep God’s Word on His day, and the sanctity thereof, are doing so as a sign between God and His people. THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURES.


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