THE WILL OF MAN IS CONSIDERED THE ARM OF RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FALSE RELIGION. Man’s will to reform, be and do good, is considered the supreme act of righteousness for acceptance with God. How false! Man must rather be convicted of the sinfulness of his own will and way, unto repentance and faith in Christ, as the One whom God made to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
Masses are being blinded by false religion unto not really trusting Christ to save them, by exalting the ability of their own works as the power to do right and be right for their acceptance with God.
THE WILL OF MAN IS BEING SERVED BY THE SPIRITUALLY DEAD. There are some professed Christians, that if every member of the church was just like they are, the church would be dead. WHY? Because they are spiritually dead to the will of God and they do not contribute any spiritual life to the work of the Lord. One of the greatest evidences of one having not repented of their own sinful self, but is rather depending on their own will and way to save them, is that they rise not above the human will to do God’s will. Thus there are no fruits of the Spirit.
The human will professes faith to further one’s own honor, but it stops short of being faithful to the will of God. Instead of taking root in the truth, there is a continual stopping short of God’s plan and purpose. While always alert and striving to meet all the requirements of material and human interests, there remains a disconnection to Spiritual obligations involved in serving the will of God. Thus the religious involvement is no more than what serves the will of the individual and lacks faith unto proving what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.
THE WILL OF MAN IS THE PREFERENTIAL CHOICE OF THE UNBELIEVER. The unbeliever’s will wants no reproofs from the truth of God’s Word. The human will seeks to avoid the light of God’s truth, and strives to darken all such counsel, so as to be able to have one’s own way.
Man will ignore obvious discrepancies that evidence his error, while hiding behind professed intentions, all for the sake of having his own way. He will stonewall every attempt to reach him and is antagonized by the efforts attempting to do so.
All have a choice to remain a slave to their own sinful will, or repent unto being set free from sinful self by faith in Jesus Christ, to gain perfect liberty to serve God through His working in them, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
WHOSE WILL ARE YOU SERVING? Everyone has a master, and there are only TWO: Jesus Christ or the Devil—WHICH?