There Is No Substitute For Modesty

THE BIBLE COMMANDS IT! “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” 1 Timothy 2:9-10

Just one good look, and a man gets a very good reading as to the kind of a woman he is looking at. Being naive about this only leads people into all kinds of trouble. When females dress so as to accent their sexual attractiveness, then that is what they attract the male unto. If they dress to be respected as a godly woman, then that is what they will impress upon the mind of the beholder. Granted, no amount of dress will make a person invincible to criminals, but Biblical standards are necessary in one’s defense against sin.

By nature, the male instinct is more aggressive while the female is more passive. The male instinct is to conquer. A female who shows off her body, thus presenting herself publicly before the male as being forward, is inviting the male to respond to what he sees with his own bodily instincts. This kind of presentation before the male will bring out the affections of the male for that end, a physical end.

On the other hand, a female whose dress is not to show off her body, whose disposition is sober and kind, rather than bold and forward, presents another kind of challenge for the male–to win her respect and favor. For a man to win the love of a principled woman, a woman of high values, he knows he has a woman of great value, in whom his heart can safely trust (Proverbs 21:10-12). But for a man to conquer a woman who has no real principles or values, this just puts her down in his eyes. Nothing is exploiting and debasing the woman any more than the sexual revolution our society is in the midst of.

It is said that more unmarried teens are sexually active than who are virgins. They are debasing themselves, destroying their self-respect and self-worth. They become just another “used” person without any special worth in the eyes of others. What could have been, is thrown away for a fitful indulgence of regretful consequences.

Forewarnings are the most difficult sounds for the fleshly ear to hear. But Christians are to have conviction of sin to deny self, and faith to hearken unto God. We are to have wisdom enough to avoid the fads and fashions of this world. We are to have a love for God unto honoring His way and seek to be more perfect in His ways. And we should have knowledge enough to know it is for our own success.
